

Picture of Jyrki Pulliainen

Hello there! I'm Jyrki Pulliainen or nailor in the interwebs. For a few years now, I've been a keen Python and Javascript developer, even though I have a dark background in PHP. On databases, I swear in the name of NoSQL and advocate CouchDB. I also cook a lot, but I don't talk about it in this blog (at least not yet!).

Boring details: I'm also a Bachelor in Computer Science and study for my M.Sc. at the University of Turku and I have a long history in web programming. For living, I currently work at Spotify, a Stockholm based music streaming company.

You can find me around the web, for example in Twitter, Github and Delicious. I also IRC on freenode and IRCNet using nick Nailor.

If you need to contact me via mail, feel free to send mail to my first name at this domain (obfuscated for spambots) or use Twitter/Github/IRC.

General FAQ

Equipment? Currently I work with Lenovo X220, a 12" laptop boosting i7, 8 gigs of RAM and SSD drive, using Emacs, rxvt-unicode and git in everyday coding. As a browser I prefer Chrome or Chromium where available.

What's dywypi? Ever played Nethack? No? You should. A phrase Do You Want Your Possessions Identified (or, duh, dywypi) will come familiar then.

Background image? Background image is provided by Nasa, details can be found here.


I've taken part in various open source projects and even started some of my own. I've also been part of organizing some software related events.

Projects I've started or I'm the maintainer at the moment:

  • trombi — a CouchDB driver for asynchronous web framework Tornado

Projects I've maintained in the past:

Events I've been organizing

Projects I've contributed in more or less: